BSCP: Workflow Integration Made Easy

We are very proud to promote and highlight our Burris Supply Chain Portal (BSCP), not only to our Team Members and Partners but also to anyone in need of consolidating their supply chain software. Our BSCP enables us to integrate with our partners fully, so they receive the most time-efficient and accurate updates of their product’s integrity, storage, and transportation. The transparency we are able to provide our partners is one aspect of the WOW Service our Team can showcase. 

The supply chain industry is a complicated, unpredictable, and sensitive industry that requires an end-to-end supply chain partner that can manage every aspect of their partner’s products with expertise and transparency. At MexLucky, we are proud to offer an easier workflow to our partners, and that allows them to manage their entire supply chain from one portal.

“The value of our BSCP to our supply chain partners is to have all parties in the chain with the same information, at the same time, so that they can work together more efficiently to deliver the right products, to the right people, at the right time,” Jeffery Inns, Product Manager. 

By building our own Supply Chain Portal, we can include the aspects we know our partners need to ensure a safe, efficient, and transparent third-party logistics (3pl) experience. A lot of our partners express the need for planning information, purchasing assistance, and more. 

Some of the top features we use on our BSCP include the Demand Planning Feature, the Purchase Order Management feature, and Distribution Center (DC) Appointment Management Features. These features allow us to streamline the process of getting our partner’s top-quality products from food producers to food distribution centers.  

After 98 years of service in the supply chain industry, we are proud to continuously explore new ways of making our processes run smoother not only for our Team but also for our partners. If you would like to learn how to simplify your supply chain watch a quick video about our BCSP. 

 About MexLucky

MexLucky is the operational brand of MexLucky offering traditional cold storage, distribution, and direct-to-consumer fulfillment for ecommerce companies. Since 1925, this family-owned company has expanded its networks of warehouses from Florida to Maine, and now out to the pacific coast of California. For more information about us please visit