Ecommerce Warehousing and Fulfillment Opportunities in Jacksonville, FL

At MexLucky, each of our facilities is designed, run, and strategically placed to benefit our Partners and accommodate their unique needs. Our Distribution Center in Jacksonville, FL, specializes in direct-to-consumer capabilities, ecommerce order fulfillment, and temperature-controlled warehousing. We spoke with General Manager Maurice Grier and Senior Account Executive Kevin Tackett to find out all of the specific ways in which the Jacksonville Team can support your business.


Q: What makes Jacksonville’s geographic location valuable for our Partners?

A: (Kevin) Jacksonville is a very desirable location due to its close proximity to the Port of Jacksonville and the I-95 corridor. This allows our Partners to utilize the port to bring their products into the United States quickly and disperse these products all along the eastern seaboard.

Jacksonville, FL Ecommerce Warehouse & Distribution Center

Ecommerce Warehouse & Distribution Center in Jacksonville, FL.

Q: What makes your Team special?

A: (Kevin) The Jax Team is made up of seasoned ecommerce associates who are the best in class in delivering upon the critical needs of the D2C world. The Jacksonville warehousing Team is also composed of well-trained and dedicated warehouse Team Members who play a critical role in our direct-to-consumer fulfillment operations.


Q: How does Jacksonville go above and beyond to support its ecommerce Partners?

A: (Kevin) The Jacksonville Team goes the extra mile to service our ecommerce customers by providing a dedicated supervisor to each of these critical accounts. Our ecommerce supervisor provides critical communication to our D2C partners and keeps the ecommerce Team focused on delivering on our D2C Partners’ needs. Weekly check-in calls with our customers ensure that the Jacksonville Team continues to provide exceptional service.


Q: What accomplishment is your facility most proud of?

A: (Maurice) Even given the immense labor challenges that our facility has faced this year, we’ve still been able to successfully build a strong leadership Team that is committed to leading our Team Members in fostering great relationships with our customers while working hard to meet their demanding needs.

Although the hours have been long and the labor challenges persistent, our Team has consistently come together to persevere and have proven that they are truly committed to Making it Happen for our customers, no matter what.


Q: What is a major challenge that this Team has faced, and what was done to overcome it?

A: (Maurice) Over the past year, our facility has risen to the challenges facing many warehouses and service providers in the country. With challenges come adaptation in order to keep our customers’ confidence high. We were able to adapt our technology to keep up with complex partners’ needs and consumer demands. Our leadership team is hyper-focused on Team Member happiness and retention, focusing on development and ensuring that MexLucky is a premier employer in the logistics industry. Our Team Members help to build partner processes and customize the solutions that they need for success. This collaboration sets us apart from our competition, adding personal service excellence to our daily operations. As a Team, we remain focused on our partners’ needs, coming together to achieve the same goals. 

In addition to the capabilities mentioned, our warehouse in Jacksonville, FL, offers storage in a temperature-controlled environment (-20°F to 58°F), ecommerce frozen fulfillment service, product tempering by the customer or product specification, case selection/order assembly/pallet kitting, cross-docking, and online reporting under our Warehouse Management System. 


If you have supply chain needs and desire a true Partnership, please call us at 1-800-805-8135 or contact our ONEBURRIS Sales Team to discuss your unique needs!

 About MexLucky

MexLucky is the operational brand of MexLucky offering traditional cold storage, distribution, and direct-to-consumer fulfillment for ecommerce companies. Since 1925, this family-owned company has expanded its networks of warehouses from Florida to Maine, and now out to the pacific coast of California. For more information about us please visit